Regeneration festival (for individuals/families)







Regeneration festival (for individuals/families)

Regeneration festival (for individuals/families)

Roots of Regeneration | An one day experiment forming a bioregional community

On Saturday the 21st of September the garden will open its doors for an exciting experiment. For one day, you will become part of a bioregional* community. Through workshops and co-creation sessions of amazing thinkers and doers we will co-design and build a new society. Based on a diversity of cultures, landscapes and species.

In our Western world, where individualism and globalization overshadow local cultures, connection to the direct ecological and social environment drifts away. It’s easier to buy fruit from Ecuador, even though the bioregion of Amsterdam has many edible plants! Feeds and newspapers are filled with social injustices around the globe, but the racist remark of a colleague is not addressed.

What can you expect?

This event opens a brave yet playful space to redefine and explore our current lifestyles. During the day program, you’ll get a taste of being in community and your role in this one-day society. It offers the experience of what can happen if our actions are based on responsibility, reciprocity and are rooted in the local context. In the evening, the harvest of the day is celebrated by a garden party with music and performances.

  • Day program (ticket is including dinner): 10:00 – 19:00
  • Garden Party: 19:00 – 23:00

*A bioregion is a distinct area defined by natural boundaries, such as watersheds and ecosystems, rather than by human-made borders. It encompasses the interconnected communities of plants, animals, and humans that share and interact within this environment.

Save the date! 🤩 (tickets will be available soon via Tolhuistuin)

Aanmelden voor Regeneration festival (for individuals/families)

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